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Children under 12


Triple P Seminar Series

Each Select Seminar Series of three topics provides parents with general information about promoting their child’s development and serves as an introduction to Triple P. Each seminar lasts approximately 60-90 minutes with time for questions at the end. These brief introductions to the Triple P strategies provide great ideas to try at home.

Primary Care Triple P

Meet with trained practitioner for up to four sessions to discuss one or two specific issues you are having at home. You will come up strategies to encourage the changes you want to see.

Group Triple P

Groups are made up of 10 to 12 parents going through similar situations where you can share stories and offer mutual support. The facilitators provide tips and suggestions to fit the needs of each participant. See how the ideas work in real life through videos. Workbooks include the tools and information you talked about in the sessions so you can start positive parenting right away at home. Groups are eight or nine weeks long. There will be up to four group sessions, a few weeks of home practice with phone call support and then one final session.

Standard Triple P

Just you and the practitioner meet for a total of 10 weeks to work on more serious behaviours.


Fear-less Seminar is a two hour session with other parents of children aged 6-14 to learn tips and strategies on anxiety management

Fear-less Workshop, Group or Individual Sessions are for parents of children experiencing significant anxiety causing a high level of distress and interference in activities. Learn strategies and skills to help your child deal with challenging situations and fears themselves. For parents with children aged 6 to 14. The three options are available:

· Intensive one day workshop

· Six individual sessions

· Six group sessions

Fear-less is now also available through Triple P Online. Ask about receiving a free code so you can complete the 6 modules (plus a bonus module) when it is convenient for you.

Triple P Online

Ask about our free codes to take Triple P online when it is convenient for you. There are 8 modules filled with strategies that are taught through this interactive program.

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